SCIENTOLOGY TOOLS FOR LIFE Emotional Tone Scale Course |
Course Overview | Course Details | Success Stories |
How often have you heard someone say, “I don’t understand him”? Sometimes irrational, unforeseen acts seem to be the norm among our fellows.
The fact is, there has never been a workable method to invariably predict human behavior—until now.
L. Ron Hubbard developed just such a method, and it is applicable to all men, without exception.
With this data, it is possible to accurately predict the behavior of a potential spouse, a business partner, employee or friend—before you commit to a relationship. The risks involved in human interaction can be avoided entirely or minimized when you can infallibly predict how people will behave.
By understanding and using the information in this course, all aspects of human relationships will become more productive and more fulfilling. You’ll know who to associate with, who to avoid, and you will be able to help those who are mired in uncomfortable situations with others. Imagine knowing, after a very short time, how people will behave in any given circumstance. You can. Each and every time.
Course Details
Ease of Study
This course is laid out in a step-by-step manner, with a sequence of reading assignments and questions to check your understanding.
Before you begin, you create your own personal logon on the Scientology website. Once logged in, the online program will guide you through each step of the course to full completion, with all course materials provided from within the Scientology website.
Length of Course
6 to 8 hours. You may, however, do the course at your own pace. In other words, it is not timed. The course is our service to you, free of charge.
Booklet: Emotional Tone Scale
or The Scientology Handbook
Your course materials are also integrated within the online course. In other words, once logged on, you may read the materials from within the online course program as you do each step. We do, however, recommend that you download for free or purchase the booklet, to review and refer to when you are not logged into the course program.
Through the length of your course, you will receive supervision from your personal online course supervisor, who will help to ensure you understand and achieve the maximum benefit from the course materials. The end result is that you are fully able to apply the data contained therein. If you have any further questions, contact us here.
Course Completion
Upon completion of The Emotional Tone Scale Course, you will
receive a certificate
The services of our online courses are always available to you. If at any time you need assistance with your course assignments, do not hesitate to contact your online course supervisor, whom you can reach using the 'Need help?' button in your online course program.
Success Stories
“Since I got acquainted with the booklet The Emotional Tone Scale, I began to get on better with people. From studying and the application of this technology, I have received huge advantages and in the course of executing the practical exercises took pleasure in communicating with many people.
“Using the Tone Scale and the knowledge of how to put it into practice, I have reconsidered many events of life and have changed my relations with people. Neighbors and sellers in shops have ceased to irritate me. In doing the exercises, it was pleasant to see smiles and contented faces of people.
“With this knowledge and these skills to increase the emotional tone of others—all is possible! Life becomes much more interesting, more cheerful.”
“The Emotional Tone Scale has been a tool that has allowed me to evaluate the general mood of others and how they will react to certain comments. This alone provides an awesome amount of information on how a person will react.
“Just tonight I was using this tech and evaluating my friends. They were complaining and bringing up bad points about a friend, and I slowly watched as this lowered them on the negative tone scale. However, the tools given to me in The Emotional Tone Scale course allowed me to immediately recognize this, and swiftly react by engaging them with a higher tone, to successfully bring them back up the emotional tone scale.
“Normally I would have put this down to the subject becoming somber, but now I realize the effects of comments and the fact that the comments were projecting an idea—which wasn't a nice or positive idea—helping to lower these people on the emotional tone scale.
“Never before have I found a tool that works so consistently in being able to raise someone's mood. Tonight, when a co-worker was very snappy as his wife was giving him grief, I was able to raise him on the tone scale, and I noticed he in turn was pleasant towards his wife, helping to raise her on the tone scale.
“This tool is one of the skills that I have acquired, that I really don't know how I survived without.”
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